Two Seals Are Always Better Than One

O-rings provide flexible sealing support that helps machinery continue to work without leaking fluids. But o-rings aren't indestructible, and when one goes bad, the machinery needs to be stopped so that the ring can be replaced immediately. It's better to use o-rings that seal more effectively and are built to withstand the pressure that machinery can put them under. The invention of quad rings has helped bring o-ring usage closer to that ideal.

Six Things To Know About Making Spiral Freezers More Efficient

Spiral freezers are essential equipment pieces at many industrial and manufacturing facilities. If you rely on spiral freezers for everyday operations at your facilities, then you should focus on making your spiral freezers more efficient. The following are six things to know about making spiral freezers more efficient.  Improving spiral freezer efficiency can save industrial and manufacturing companies lots of money. Spiral freezers generally consume a lot of energy. They contribute to overhead costs at industrial facilities.

How Fire Inspection Software Can Increase Company Efficiency

When you run a fire inspection, testing, and maintenance company, there are many things that you must consider. Companies must manage employees, projects, schedules, compliance, and equipment, and more. In addition to that, the pressure of being responsible for public safety is not to be underestimated. When juggling all of these responsibilities, it's easy for a fire inspection company to fall into a state of disarray. Fortunately, modern options have emerged to reduce the risks that fire inspection companies face while still improving these companies' efficiency.

4 Consumer Applications For LDPE Plastics

The invention of plastic has revolutionized society. Plastic materials can be found in almost every consumer product or package available on the market today. While plastics as a whole are very common, there are unique subcategories of plastics that have targeted and specific uses. One of these unique plastics is referred to as low-density polyethylene, or LDPE. LDPE sheets can be transformed into special plastic products with important uses. Here are four of the most widely recognized applications for LDPE plastics in today's consumer market.

Installing Angle Heads In Your Manufacturing Plant Or Shop Offers Key Benefits

If you run a machine shop or any kind of manufacturing plant, you likely use more than one type of manufacturing or machine head to create and perfect your products. But having to stop work to adjust the angle of any of this machinery or having to stop the run to physically move your materials around from machine to machine can be a drag on production. One option that might help streamline your business would be to look into the installation of angle heads on one or more of your machines.